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This article describes the CHESTER-X14 extension module.

Module Overview

CHESTER-X13 provides support for 10/100 Ethernet connectivity. It also comes with a built-in step-down with support of up to 30 V.

CHESTER Pin Configuration Diagram

Pin Configuration and Functions

PositionSignal NameSignal Description
1INTInterrupt signal
2+VSystem positive rail (*)
3+VINStep-down input voltage
4GNDSystem ground signal
5Rx-Ethernet signal
6Rx+Ethernet signal
7Tx-Ethernet signal
8Tx+Ethernet signal

*Note: The system positive rail voltage depends on CHESTER power supply option.

Interrupt Pin

The module provides an interrupt output (pin 1), which needs to be connected to the INT pin on the CHESTER mainboard.

  • Example of interrupt connection for module in slot B


CHESTER-X14 can be used as part of the CHESTER SDK using the ctr_x14_a and ctr_x14_b shields, or hardware-chester-x14-a and hardware-chester-x14-b Project Generator features.

Schematic diagram

A schematic diagram is useful if you program low-level hardware-related code or if you're just curious about how the system is designed.

Module Drawing