📄️ Requirements
This article defines the requirements if you want to start development with the CHESTER SDK.
📄️ J-Link Installation
The following article will guide you through the SEGGER J-Link installation.
📄️ Installation on Ubuntu
The following article will guide you through the CHESTER SDK installation on Ubuntu. It has been tested on versions Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
📄️ Installation on macOS
The following article will guide you through the CHESTER SDK installation on macOS. This guide was tested on versions macOS 12 (Monterey) and macOS 13 (Ventura).
📄️ Installation on Windows
The following article will guide you through the CHESTER SDK installation on Windows. This guide was tested on Windows versions 10 and 11.
📄️ Build and Deploy
This article will explain how to build, deploy and upload an application firmware to the HARDWARIO Cloud.
📄️ Debug
Most of the code is possible to debug with Zephyr logging functions like LOGINF, LOGHEXDUMP_INF and others.
📄️ Applications
In the SDK subfolder applications\, you get access to the complete code of our Catalog Applications. You can adjust the code to edit, add functionality, or develop your own based on the project structure.
📄️ Samples
In the SDK subfolder samples\, you find many samples explaining working with different sensors and subsystems. Each sample is a separate project, which you can compile and flash to CHESTER.
📄️ Application Customization
This article explains workflow when you need to modify the existing catalog application in the CHESTER SDK. There are multiple ways how a developer can do this, but the goal of this article is to demonstrate a process that provides low friction when the developer needs to keep pace with the CHESTER SDK updates.
📄️ How to: I²C Bus
This article will demonstrate how to interface I²C target devices (CHESTER is I²C controller on the bus).
📄️ How to: Kconfig
This article will demonstrate how to use Kconfig in your project.
📄️ How to: CBOR
CHESTER with Cloud v2 uses CBOR to encode and decode transmitted data. Thanks to CBOR, you can describe how the transmitted data will look like using the YAML file, then in your C code, you use the keys from this YAML file.
📄️ How to: LTE v2
This article will demonstrate how to upgrade existing CHESTER firmware to the LTE v2 and Cloud v2.
📄️ How to: Project Generator
The CHESTER SDK Project Generator simplifies project initialization and configuration management by providing a structured approach to project setup, all based on a YAML configuration.
🔗 Git Repository
🔗 API Reference
📄️ Licenses
In this article, you will find useful information about the CHESTER SDK license.