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LoRaWAN Radio

LoRa is a proprietary radio technology that allows sending small data packets in both directions (uplink & downlink).

Radio modulation was designed by the Semtech company and allows long range and long lifetime when powering devices from the batteries.

The message can contain 52 bytes and you can send/receive data about every 10 minutes. Radio is using ISM band 868 MHz in Europe and 915 MHz in the US.


LoRa module needs to be set up with AT Commands, to read about how to do that, you can visit LoRa AT Commands Configuration chapter.

The advantage of LoRa is that it’s possible to build/buy your gateway, and use some community-based networks like The Things Network, LORIOT and many others.


It’s also possible to use a commercial provider’s already established LoRa network.

TOWER has a LoRa Module which you can use to create battery-operated nodes that are sending or receiving data. The module supports LoRaWAN Class A and Class C.


You can read more about LoRa Module in its chapter.