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Useful Resources

In this chapter, you can find some links to our other websites that can be helpful to the users and developers.

Projects on

Showcase of projects from real life. You can get inspired or maybe try to replicate some of them to quick start with TOWER.

Also if you want to create your own project, feel free to use any HARDWARIO TOWER module or tag and you will be featured on our projects board. We will like to see any projects made with TOWER.

GitHub Repositories

Most of the code, schematics and applications that we create are under MIT License and available on our GitHub page.

If you need to start your project and don't want to start from scratch you can find some already made firmware that mostly suits your needs and change it a bit. Or you can get parts of multiple firmware and put them together so your project is as you want it.

You can read more about how to develop your own firmware in Firmware Development chapter.

Discussion Forum

If you get stuck while developing or using TOWER, you can go to the forum to check if anyone had a similar issue before or just ask yourself, someone from the development team or community will try to help you as soon as possible.

Firmware SDK

If you are interested in what functions are available for each module of TOWER, you can visit the SDK Doxygen generated website.

There is whole section about Firmware SDK if you want to see some examples on how to use SDK functions.

Also every Module and Tag has its own chapter with a link to a corresponding SDK module, for this visit Hardware Modules section.