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Blynk Mobile and Web Application

The Blynk is a mobile front-end builder and signaling relay (MQTT). This lets you quickly create control and display for your IoT things. Here we will guide you through the process of putting together the hardware and connecting it to the cloud.

The cloud in turn gets interconnected with the project on your phone within the Blynk app. The local side of the project is hosted on the HARDWARIO Raspbian which has all the necessary components prepared for interconnection.

When everything in this example is finished, you should have the ability to turn on and off the relay, switch the LED strip on and off, change the light intensity using the slider and also you would be able to watch the temperature (and other values collected) accompanied by graphs.


You can find some examples of how to use TOWER with Blynk on our page.

Setup Blynk

You should start by downloading the Blynk app and creating the account

Node-RED Setup

In Node-RED, install the Blynk package node-red-contrib-blynk-ws if you cannot see Blynk nodes.


You can follow one of the project tutorials where installation, creating and connecting of nodes is explained in detail.

Video Tutorial

If you prefer a video guide, you can watch this video for the older Playground version, but it works the same.

ZeRGBA to hex RGB values - Example

Blynk color values need to be transformed to proper hexadecimal RGB string. You can use the function block in the Node-RED and paste the code below. Remember to configure ZeRGBa to MERGE mode and the range of values has to be set for all three channels to 0 - 255


You will need to import the JSON below to the Node-RED.

If you don't know what a Node-RED is, you can read the Desktop Programming section or Server on Raspberry Pi section.

Blynk example project flow JSON

"name":"Convert to BC format",
"func":"var finalString = '\"#'\nvar colorToSave = \"\";\nmsg.arrayOfValues.forEach((color) => {\n var carry = (parseInt(color)).toString(16)\n if(carry.length == 1) carry = \"0\" + carry;\n finalString += carry;\n colorToSave += carry;\n});\n\nflow.set(\"color\", colorToSave);\n\nif((flow.get(\"ledstrip\")) == false){\n msg.payload = '\"#000000(00)\"'\n}\nelse{\n var white = flow.get(\"white\");\n if(white == null) white = \"00\";\n msg.payload = finalString + '(' + white + ')\"'; \n}\n\n\nmsg.topic = \"node/power-controller:0/led-strip/-/color/set\";\nreturn msg;\n",
"type":"mqtt out",

"name":"String to bool parser",
"func":"if(msg.payload == true)\n{\n msg.payload = true;\n}\nelse{\n msg.payload = false;\n}\nmsg.topic = \"node/power-controller:0/relay/-/state/set\";\nreturn msg;",
"func":"var lastColor = flow.get(\"color\")|| \"000000(00)\";\n\nif(msg.payload == false) {\n msg.payload = '\"#000000(00)\"';\n flow.set(\"ledstrip\", false);\n}\nelse {\n msg.payload = '\"#' + '' + lastColor + '\"';\n flow.set(\"ledstrip\", true);\n}\nmsg.topic = \"node/power-controller:0/led-strip/-/color/set\";\n\nreturn msg;",
"func":"if(msg.payload == true && flow.get(\"ledstrip\")||true){\n msg.payload = '{\"type\":\"rainbow\", \"wait\":50}';\n msg.topic = \"node/power-controller:0/led-strip/-/effect/set\" \n}\n\nreturn msg;",
"name":"Theater chase",
"func":"if(msg.payload == true && flow.get(\"ledstrip\")||true){\n msg.payload = '{\"type\":\"theater-chase-rainbow\", \"wait\":50}';\n msg.topic = \"node/power-controller:0/led-strip/-/effect/set\" \n}\n\nreturn msg;",
"name":"White color handler",
"func":"var carry = (parseInt(msg.payload)).toString(16)\nif(carry.length == 1) carry = \"0\" + carry;\n\nflow.set(\"white\", carry);\n\nvar color = flow.get(\"color\");\nif(color == null) color = \"000000\";\n\nmsg.payload = '\"#' + color +'(' + carry + ')\"';\nmsg.topic = \"node/power-controller:0/led-strip/-/color/set\";\nreturn msg;",
"name":"Brightness handler",
"func":"if(msg.payload == true && flow.get(\"ledstrip\")||true){\n msg.payload = msg.payload;\n msg.topic = \"node/power-controller:0/led-strip/-/brightness/set\" \n}\n\nreturn msg;",

After the import, you should see this flow.

Now you can scan the QR below to import all the needed widgets into the Blynk app

After you scan the QR code in the app, you should see widgets positioned like this