How To: LCD Module
The LCD Module provides a simple way to show needed information without connecting to a computer or any network. It is an ultra-low-power device so its usage should not bring you much trouble when powered with batteries.
There are functions available for writing and printing onto the LCD but we have a more advanced solution with the GFX library.
Most of the LCD functions use the GFX library internally so you can as well use them directly.
All you need to do to work with the LCD is to do the initialization, after that, you can start using the GFX library.
LCD Module Power
The module can be switched on and off for power saving (mostly used to prolong battery life when used).
There are two functions available for the power management
You have to call the twr_module_lcd_on()
after you turn the LCD off, calling any draw
function or update
won't turn the LCD back on.
LCD integrated LEDs
LCD includes 6 small RGB LEDs.
You can control them with standard functions twr_led_*
from SDK right after you get their driver.
To get the driver you have to use function const twr_led_driver_t* twr_module_lcd_get_led_driver(void)
which returns pointer to the driver. Then you have to init the virtual LED with void twr_led_init_virtual(twr_led_t *self, int channel, const twr_led_driver_t *driver, int idle_state)
The channel
parameter is equal to the LED color:
- 0 is RED light
- 1 is GREEN light
- 2 is BLUE light
The idle_state
sets the default on/off behavior.
- 0 means that LEDs are default on
- 1 means that LEDs are default off
This example prints out some text on the screen and lights up LCD LEDs with blue color for** 1500 milliseconds** after any LCD button is pressed.
LCD LEDs Code Example
#include <application.h>
twr_button_t button;
twr_led_t lcdLed;
twr_gfx_t *pgfx;
void button_event_handler(twr_button_t *self, twr_button_event_t event, void *event_param)
(void) self;
(void) event_param;
twr_led_pulse(&lcdLed, 1500);
char hello[6] = "Hello";
twr_gfx_draw_string(pgfx, 10, 5, hello, true);
twr_gfx_draw_line(pgfx, 0, 21, 128, 23, true);
void application_init(void)
twr_button_init(&button, TWR_GPIO_BUTTON, TWR_GPIO_PULL_DOWN, false);
twr_button_set_event_handler(&button, button_event_handler, NULL);
const twr_led_driver_t* driver = twr_module_lcd_get_led_driver();
twr_led_init_virtual(&lcdLed, TWR_MODULE_LCD_LED_BLUE, driver, 1);
pgfx = twr_module_lcd_get_gfx();
twr_gfx_set_font(pgfx, &twr_font_ubuntu_15);
LCD Buttons
In this example, we are going to switch the LCD-integrated LEDs on and off and make them blink.
You can switch them on by pressing the left button and switch them off by pressing the right button.
If you hold both buttons, the LEDs will blink fast.
LCD Buttons Code Example
#include <application.h>
twr_led_t lcdLed;
void lcd_event_handler(twr_module_lcd_event_t event, void *param)
(void) param;
twr_led_set_mode(&lcdLed, TWR_LED_MODE_ON);
twr_led_set_mode(&lcdLed, TWR_LED_MODE_OFF);
twr_led_set_mode(&lcdLed, TWR_LED_MODE_BLINK_FAST);
void application_init(void)
const twr_led_driver_t* driver = twr_module_lcd_get_led_driver();
twr_led_init_virtual(&lcdLed, 2, driver, 1);
twr_led_set_mode(&lcdLed, TWR_LED_MODE_OFF);
twr_led_pulse(&lcdLed, 1000);
twr_module_lcd_set_event_handler(lcd_event_handler, NULL);