How To: Graphics Library
With more and more types of LCD types supported by TOWER, we have developed a universal graphics library that can be used with many types of displays.
Starting with our LCD Module, SSD1306, ST7735, MAX7219 or even using WS2812B digital LED strip in matrix configuration as a display.
You always have to set the font first before printing any text. Otherwise, nothing is displayed. Not used fonts are removed for optimization.
Example: twr_gfx_set_font(pgfx, &twr_font_ubuntu_13);
Every change you make - draw a string or a line, rotate the display, etc is done internally and no changes are visible until you call the twr_gfx_update(pgfx)
This is done for low-power reasons.
LCD Module
This is a simple example of printing Hello world
to the LCD Module that is available for TOWER Kit.
Using GFX with LCD Module Code Example
This is a similar example to the last one, but here we use the SSD1303 OLED display for printing the string.
Using GFX with SSD1303 OLED Code Example
Custom GFX Driver
You can also create your driver for some special display that you want to use.
The driver needs to implement at least these 5 functions.
#include <application.h>
twr_gfx_t gfx;
twr_ssd1306_t ssd1306;
TWR_SSD1306_FRAMEBUFFER(ssd1306_framebuffer, 128, 64)
void application_init(void)
twr_ssd1306_init(&ssd1306, TWR_I2C_I2C0, TWR_SSD1306_ADDRESS_I2C_ADDRESS_DEFAULT, &ssd1306_framebuffer);
twr_gfx_init(&gfx, &ssd1306, twr_ssd1306_get_driver());
twr_gfx_set_font(&gfx, &twr_font_ubuntu_13);
twr_gfx_draw_string(&gfx, 50, 50, "Hello world", true);