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TOWER VSCode Extension


If you experience some issues or difficulties with the extension or portable version, please let us know on our forum or directly on GitHub.

This chapter focuses on the HARDWARIO TOWER Visual Studio Code extension, you will need to install some tools for this extension to work fully. If you don't want to bother with this, you can install our standalone HARDWARIO Code, on how to do that visit the About HARDWARIO Code chapter.


To install the extension just open your Visual Studio Code and go to the extension tab on the left side panel, type HARDWARIO TOWER into the search bar and click Install next to the first extension available.


After a while, the extension should be installed and ready to use.

Tools Setup

You will need some dependencies for the extension to work as intended:


The extension will warn you that you are missing some of those and provide you with a corresponding link in the bottom right corner.

  • CMake
  • Ninja
  • arm-none-eabi-gcc 12.2 or newer
  • git
  • Linux commands
    • You have to install git to your machine and then add the \usr\bin\ folder to PATH. The folder path should look something like C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\

You can now start using the Visual Studio Code for developing HARDWARIO TOWER Firmware. To get some basic information on how to use the extension visitHARDWARIO Code Tutorial or you can go straight to the Firmware Quick Start chapter.