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HARDWARIO Cloud v2 offers new CHESTER device management with bidirectional communication support.

Thanks to this, even low-power battery devices can be controlled and configured remotely with:

Cloud v2 improves the device's codecs. In Cloud v1 codecs had to be set manually, in v2 codecs are directly in the device's firmware and they are uploaded automatically.

Cloud v2 together with the LTE v2 subsystem in CHESTER also adds automatic packet fragmentation (supports packets with many kilobytes of payload), receive acknowledgment with retransmission and messages are SHA-256 signed.


For information how to use or upgrade CHESTER code to use LTE v2. You can read this How To: LTE v2 article.

Cloud v2 structure

All your devices are placed in a Space. You can self-provision devices to your or other spaces.

Every device can have a name, tags and labels.


You can name your device so it can fill in for example its address or a specific note with it.


Tags are useful for organizing similar devices together, or you can create a callback and connect it to the tag. So tagged devices will trigger your callback when sending uplink messages.

Tags might also help you filter and categorize different types of devices.

You can have multiple tags assigned to a device.


Labels are key-value information you can put on every device. Labels are also passed to the callback, so your callback can react to specific labels on that device.

Naming Conventions

  • Only lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-) are allowed.
  • The name must be at least 3 characters long.
  • The name cannot start with a number.
  • The name cannot begin or end with a hyphen (-).

This is the regular expression rule /^[a-z][a-z0-9-]+[a-z0-9]$/